A two-year study on postmenopausal bleeding at a tertiary institute
Postmenopausal bleeding, Carcinoma cervix, Carcinoma endometrium, Endometrial thickness, Endometrial polypAbstract
Background: The life expectancy of women shows an increase as a result of which women experience a long postmenopausal phase. Postmenopausal bleeding is a worrisome symptom occurring in 10 % of the women, making them seek a gynaecology opinion at the earliest. Women in developed countries have a predilection for developing endometrial cancer whereas cancer cervix still dominates in the developing countries. This prospective study was carried out on 75 women presenting with postmenopausal bleeding to the gynaecology clinic at a tertiary hospital set up. The study aimed to find the incidence of postmenopausal bleeding, age distribution, causes and different evaluation methods to confirm the diagnosis.
Methods: The present study is a prospective study conducted on 75 postmenopausal women reporting with postmenopausal bleeding at the gynaecology clinic at a tertiary care hospital.
Results: Menopause was noted above 45 years in 84% of the patients and 16% were in 40-45 years age. Postmenopausal bleeding was observed in 50-60 years in 56% of women and 30% above 60 years. The medical problems associated were hypertension (20%), diabetes (11%), obesity (22%), hypothyroidism (4%). 53 women had benign causes while 22 had malignancy.
Conclusions: Benign lesions of the genital tract are common causes of postmenopausal bleeding. Carcinoma cervix and endometrium classically present with postmenopausal bleed. Strong suspicion, thorough evaluation and early diagnosis improve the quality of life and reduce the morbidity and mortality.
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