Evaluation of periodontal health among patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome a cross sectional study
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Gingival disease, Periodontal diseaseAbstract
Background: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and periodontal disease are common disorders associated with diabetes and cardiometabolic risk. Recently, some studies have revealed the effect of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) on gingival inflammation. This cross-sectional study attempts to assess the periodontal health status and systemic inflammation of women receiving medical treatment for PCOS and women newly diagnosed with PCOS.
Methods: A total of 60 participants comprising 30 newly diagnosed patients with PCOS (PCOS-N), 30 patients with PCOS on medical treatment (PCOS-MT) were examined. Periodontal parameters were recorded and compared.
Results: This study resulted that the women with newly diagnosed PCOS may have increased prevalence and likelihood for periodontitis, with higher measures of periodontal inflammation and breakdown than those on medical treatment for PCOS.
Conclusions: In PCOS females, there is an alteration of various hormone levels in the body. These hormones might act on gingival cells by changing the effectiveness of the epithelial barrier to bacterial injury or by affecting the collagen maintenance and repair.
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